Our Products
We take great pride in offering a wide supply of landscaping materials from topsoil to sand and gravel for any sized project.

Premium Products
Serving the Greater Vancouver area for over 34 years, we have been able to source out and provide all your landscape materials in a professional and expedient manner. We have tailored our services to benefit both residential and commercial clients to not only save time but to get the best deal on high quality topsoil and gravel.
Whether it’s for a lawn or garden project, our goal is to always provide you with the highest quality topsoil.
Artisan provides top quality mulch and bark for garden moisture retention and great weed control.
No matter the size of the job, we offer high quality and versatile gravel from a number of trusted sources.
All of our firewood is available for pick-up or delivery: Alder, Birch, Maple, Apple and Cherry Fruitwood

Nursery Stock
Our passion for plants is apparent when you stroll through the nursery. Fresh deliveries arrive bi-weekly to keep our yard and greenhouses full. Mostly sourced from our local growers, we carry everything to suit your unique site.

Not Sure How Much You Need?
Use our calculator to find out what your project will require.

Artisan Garden Group is a family run business, serving its local community since 1986. We take great pride in being a leading provider of landscape products such as topsoil, vegetable blended soil, compost, mulch, gravel and sand.
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